Model Pro442PD
4-Zone Panel, expandable to 12 zones, with Automatic Bypass Control for Aftermarket
Automatically controls bypass using the modulating, non-calling zone damper for CA Title24 installations or an external modulating bypass damper.
Eliminates testing and calibrating Bypass.
On-Panel display for entering settings and monitoring
equipment operation.
Expandable to 12 zones.
Push-in terminals and plug&play dampers speed up installation and reduce wiring errors.
For Gas/Electric equipment with 2-stage heating and 2-stage cooling, and Conventional or Dual Fuel Heat Pump Equipment with 2-stage compressor and 2-stage auxiliary electric strip heating. O or B-type reversing valve.
Onboard wireless radio. Compatible with wireless thermostats, wireless adapters and wireless outdoor temperature sensor and eliminates running wires in the home.
Lower cost than competitive aftermarket panels.
Compatible Equipment
Gas/Electric with 2-stage heating and 2-stage cooling.
Conventional or Dual Fuel Heat Pump with 2-stage compressor and 2-stage auxiliary electric strip heating. O or B-type reversing valve.
Compatible Zone 1 Thermostats
Any 24VAC heat/cool thermostat with W, Y and G outputs or any 24VAC heat pump thermostat with O or B, Y, G and Emergency heat outputs.
Compatible Zone 2 Thermostats
Any 24VAC heat/cool thermostat with W, Y and G outputs.
4 Zones on panel. Expandable to 8 or 12 zones in separate case.
Automatic Bypass Control
The zoning panel provides Automatic Bypass Control using the non-calling, modulating zone damper to meet CA Title 24 or using an external modulating bypass damper. The panel automatically positions the bypass damper based on the size of the zone dampers, the bypass damper size, and which zones are calling and how much extra CFM is acceptable for the calling zones.
ECM Fan Speed Control
Compatible with Lennox ECM fans with PWM speed control or equipment with Nidec ECM fans with PWM fan motors. Fan speed is automatically adjusted based on the CFM demand. Eliminates installing bypass.
Onboard 915MHz Radio
Compatible with wireless thermostats, wireless adapters and wireless outdoor temperature sensors and eliminates running wires in the home.
Push-In Terminals
Push-In, screwless terminals and plug&play dampers speed up installation and reduce wiring errors.

Modulating Dampers
Modulating dampers can be positioned
in 2% steps by the panel for exact bypass
control. The dampers provide twice the
torque of a typical spring return damper
actuator and use only 2VA when positioning
and less than 1VA when holding position.
LEDs indicate when the damper is fully
open or closed. Multiple dampers can be used to define a zone. Electronic motor control ensures long operating life - tested to over 9 million cycles. Cables for connecting the damper to the panel are provided with each damper.

On-Panel Display
Select options and display the operation of the equipment including call status, zone thermostat status, zone damper positions, bypass damper position and leaving air temperature.

Selecting Equipment Options
Use the factory set options or use the on-panel display to select the options suited to equipment type being used.
Equipment Type.
Stages of Heating and Cooling.
High and low temperature limits.
Fan operation in gas heating.
Number of zones being used.
Selecting Auto Bypass Options
Use the on-panel display to select the bypass options and settings.
Turn automatic bypass control on or off.
Select bypass type - using the non-calling zone dampers or an external modulating bypass damper.
Select the zone damper sizes.
Select the allowed increased CFM for the calling zones.
Set the external bypass damper size.